An Extraordinary Celestial Spiral with a Twist
An international team of astronomers, led by Hyosun Kim in Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics (ASIAA, Taiwan), has found a way of deriving…
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An international team of astronomers, led by Hyosun Kim in Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics (ASIAA, Taiwan), has found a way of deriving…
From February 21 through 22, 2017, the Japan Radio Astronomy Forum (JRAF) Symposium FY2016 was held at the NAOJ Mitaka campus. More than 80 participants atten…
Astronomers using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) have discovered a surprising connection between a supermassive black hole and the gal…
On January 26, NAOJ Chile Observatory staff members visited a summer camp held by Santiago Japanese School to give a lecture about the universe and astronomic…
One of the big puzzles in astrophysics is how stars like the sun manage to form from collapsing molecular clouds in star-forming regions of the universe. The…
New images taken with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) reveal surprising details of the Sun, including the dark, contorted center of an …
An international team led by researchers from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan succesfully detected the e…
On December 11, a lecture organized by the Center for Space and Habitability at the University of Bern was held as part…
The preliminary design review for the new Data Transmission System (DTS) for the ALMA Telescope has been completed succ…