List of Researchers

Research Staff in NAOJ ALMA Project and NAOJ Chile

List of researchers in NAOJ ALMA Project and NAOJ Chile. [S] indicates the faculty members of SOKENDAI (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies), [T] indicates the affiliated faculty members of the University of Tokyo. Researchers with [C] are stationed in Chile.

Please swipe the table to the left and see. Research Theme / Keywords
[S] Satoru Iguchi (Professor) galaxy formation, black holes, searching "second Earth", interferometer technologies
[S][C] Seiji Kameno (Professor) Observation system
[S][C] Seiichi Sakamoto (Professor) structure and evolution of molecular clouds
[T] Misato Fukagawa (Professor) Planet formation
[C] Norikazu Mizuno (Professor) Magellanic clouds, molecular clouds, star formation, system evaluation
[S][C] Yoshiharu Asaki (Associate Professor) Evolved stars, improving spatial resolution of interferometers
[S] Shun Ishii (Associate Professor) Radio astronomy, Star formation
[T][C] Takeshi Okuda (Associate Professor) radio astronomy, galaxies
George Kosugi (Associate Professor) Software development
[C] Tsuyoshi Sawada (Associate Professor) molecular clouds, structure of galaxies, interferometer technologies
[S] Masumi Shimojo (Associate Professor) Solar physics
[S][C] Satoko Takahashi (Associate Professor) radio astronomy, star formation
[S] Hiroshi Nagai (Associate Professor) Active Galactic Nuclei, relativistic jets
[T] Bunyo Hatsukade (Associate Professor) Galaxy Formation and Evolution, Astronomical Transient Phenomena, Radio Astronomy
[S] Tetsuhiro Minamidani (Associate Professor) interstellar matter, Magellanic Clouds
[S] Takuma Izumi (Associate Professor) Active galactic nuclei (AGN), supermassive black hole, galaxy evolution, astrochemistry
[S] Koichiro Nakanishi (Lecturer) starburst galaxies, evolution of galaxies, antenna
[S] Hajime Ezawa (Assistant Professor) structure and evolution of galaxy clusters, antenna
Takeshi Kamazaki (Assistant Professor) molecular clouds, star formation, interferometer technologies
Kotomi Taniguchi (Assistant Professor) Astrochemistry, Star formation
Pei-Ying Hsieh (Assistant Professor) Center of milkyway galaxy, Galactic Nuclei
[S][C] Akihiko Hirota (Assistant Professor) molecular clouds in nearby galaxies
[S] Yuichi Matsuda (Assistant Professor) formation and evolution of galaxies, multi-wavelength astronomy
Natsuko Izumi (Project Assistant Professor) Star formation, Interstellar matter, Multi-wavelength astronomy
Gianni Cataldi(Project Assistant Professor) planet formation (debris disks, protoplanetary disks), astrobiology
Jorge Armando Zavala Solano (Project Assistant Professor) Galaxy formation and evolution; Dust-obscured star formation; High-redshift galaxies; submillimeter/millimeter extragalactic surveys
Andrea Silva (Project Research Staff) Galaxy formation and evolution, multi-wavelength astronomy, galaxy mergers, Active Galactic Nuclei
Xiaoyang Chen (Project Researcher) Co-evolution of SMBH and galaxy; Ultra-luminous IR galaxy; AGN; galaxy-scale outflow
Zhengyi Chen (Project Researcher) Galaxy formation and evolution, Star-forming galaxies, Multi-phase interstellar matter
Kshitiz Mallick (Project Research Staff) High-mass star formation, interstellar matter, multi-wavelength astronomy
Satoshi Ohashi (NAOJ Fellow) Planet formation
Yuhito Shibaike (Project Research Staff) Planet formation
Yoshinori Uzawa (Professor) Superconducting device
[S] Takafumi Kojima (Associate Professor) Receiver development
Shan Wenlei (Associate Professor) Superconducting device
[S] Kazumasa Makise(Associate Professor) Superconducting device
Sho Masui (Assistant Professor) Receiver development
Hiroaki Imada (Project Assistant Professor) Receiver development