Organization –Structure of ALMA

ALMA is operated in a global partnership under the “Agreement Concerning the Operations of the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA)” which is also known as “the ALMA Agreement”. For the purpose of smooth operation of ALMA, the ALMA agreement sets up the structure of ALMA with the ALMA Board, Director’s Council, ALMA Science Advisory Committee (ASAC), and others.

ALMA Board

The ALMA Board, a supervisory and regulatory body for ALMA, is composed of representatives of three funding Parties: the National Institutes of Natural Sciences (NINS) of Japan; the European Southern Observatory (ESO); and the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), and representatives of the three Executives: the National astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ); ESO, and Associated Universities, Inc. (AUI) / the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO); and representatives of regional user communities.

Current ALMA Board members can be found on the JAO website.

Director’s Council

The Director’s Council was a body established by the ALMA Agreement as a forum to discuss and coordinate activities among the Executives (NAOJ, ESO, and NRAO) and the Joint ALMA Observatory (JAO). The Director’s Council shall actively address any issues where any decisions or actions made by the Executive(s) or the JAO might have an impact on proper functions of ALMA (e.g. scientific/technical operations, human resources, management, education and public outreach, relations with Chile, etc.)

Current Director's Council members are:
- Director General, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
- Director General, European Southern Observatory
- Director, National Radio Astronomy Observatory
- ALMA Director

Advisory Committees

While the ALMA Board is the governing body and primary forum of the ALMA Project to ensure the joint operations of ALMA in a global partnership, there are external (independent) advisory committees to discuss specific matters regarding science, technology, human resources, finance, and administration, etc. Each advisory committee addresses a wide variety of issues from a viewpoint of the entire ALMA Project as well as from the regional viewpoint considering respective Executive’s circumstances.

ALMA Science Advisory Committee (ASAC)

Japanese ALMA Science Advisory Committee(JSAC)

Please swipe the table to the left and see. Affiliation
Hideo Sagawa (Chair) Kyoto Sangyo University
Yuri Aikawa The University of Tokyo
Hanae Inami Hiroshima University
Fumi Egusa The University of Tokyo
Toshikazu Onishi Osaka Metropolitan University
Shinya Komugi Kogakuin University
Hidetoshi Sano Gifu University
Yoshito Shimajiri Kyushu Kyoritsu University
Shigehisa Takakuwa Kagoshima University
Yoichi Tamura Nagoya University
Takuya Hashimoto University of Tsukuba
Kazuhito Motoki Yamaguchi University

ALMA East Asian Science Advisory Committee(EASAC)

EASAC consists of the members of JSAC and the following members.

Please swipe the table to the left and see. Affiliation
Patrick Koch ASIAA
Li-Hwai Lin ASIAA
Cheng-Yu Kuo National Sun Yatsen University
Wei-Hao Wang ASIAA
Jongsoo Kim KASI
Sascha Trippe Seoul National University
Aeree Chung Yonsei University
Aran Lyo KASI