The 117th Tokyo Techno Forum Research Exchange Workshop was held at Nippon Press Center on March 18. A lecture titled Gigantic Radio Eye EALMA, Radio Telescope under Construction in ChileEwas given by Professor Masato Ishiguro and attracted about 30 people. The picture shows Prof. Ishiguro talking passionately about the universe observed via radio waves. His lecture contained ALMAs overview, its history, and activities at the construction site based on his experience as international staff member at the Joint ALMA Office in Chile. The audience attentively listened to his talk from beginning to end. (Picture provided by Yomiuri Shimbun)
2025 2.12
Researchers find dark matter dominating in early universe galaxies
This article is based on the press release issued by the Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Univers…
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Magnetic Field in Planet Formation has been Successfully Observed
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Unveiling the properties of a primeval galaxy from 13.4 billion years ago
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