On June 3, an article about Taiwans participation in ALMA was run in Taiwanese newspaper, Liberty Times. We received the article from Nagayoshi Ohashi of Academia Sinica of Taiwan, and put on the bulletin board at the Joint ALMA Office (JAO). In Chinese characters, ChileEis expressed in two characters which mean wisdomEand benefitE Chilean staff members were very excited about this explanation, asking questions like: Do Japanese people understand Chinese characters?E and Why Chile is pronounced as Chi-li instead of Chi-le?EIn Spanish, it is pronounced as Ei>Chi-le.EThe picture shows part of the article saying that ALMA is the largest radio telescope in historyE
2025 1.10
Unveiling the properties of a primeval galaxy from 13.4 billion years ago
An international team led by researchers from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan succesfully detected the e…
2025 1.7
Yuhito Shibaike Speaks on the Frontiers of Planet Formation Research – Commemorating 160th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between Japan and Switzerland
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On December 11, a lecture organized by the Center for Space and Habitability at the University of Bern was held as part…
2024 12.26
ALMA’s New Data Transmission System Passes Preliminary Design Review
The preliminary design review for the new Data Transmission System (DTS) for the ALMA Telescope has been completed succ…