Outflows from Baby Star Affect Nearby Star Formation
Astronomers revealed fast gas outflows from a baby star strongly colliding with nearby dense gas where a group of baby stars are being born. The result suggest…
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Astronomers revealed fast gas outflows from a baby star strongly colliding with nearby dense gas where a group of baby stars are being born. The result suggest…
The high resolution of the ALMA telescope has revealed that magnetic fields where massive stars are born play an important role in how matter is supplied to th…
January 11, 2023 | Science
Astronomers have found a way to directly measure the amount of gas in protoplanetary disks without needing to make a…
At the heart of nearly every galaxy lurks a supermassive black hole. But not all supermassive black holes are alike: there are many types. Quasars, or quasi-st…
A team of astronomers in Japan has discovered for the first time a faint radio emission covering a giant galaxy with an energetic black hole at its center. The…
An international astronomer team has discovered the most distant galaxy candidate to date, named HD1, which is about 13.5 billion light-years away. This discov…
Unlike our Sun, most stars live with a companion. Sometimes, two come so close that one engulfs the other - with far-reaching consequences. When a team of astr…
Astronomers examining the nearby Universe with the help of the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) have just completed the largest high-resolut…
At ALMA, we are celebrating doubly: on the one hand, October is the month of Science in Chile, and, on the other, we commemorate in ALMA the ten years since th…
Early massive galaxies—those that formed in the three billion years following the Big Bang —should have contained large amounts of cold hydrogen gas, the fuel …
An international research team using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) revealed the distribution of heavy hydrogen, or deuterium, in plan…
Using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) astronomers have unambiguously detected the presence of a diskaround a planet outside our Solar S…
An international team anchored by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration, which is known for capturing the first image of a black hole in the galaxy M…
Planet formation is still a mystery. Astronomers have been studying protoplanetary discs for decades, trying to solve the details of planetary genesis. Thanks …
A team of astronomers using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) has completed the first census of molecular clouds in the nearby Universe, …
In April 2019, scientists released the first image of a black hole in the galaxy M87 using the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT). However, that remarkable achievem…
The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) collaboration, who produced the first ever image of a black hole, has revealed today a new view of the massive object at the …
An international research team, led by Chin-Fei Lee at Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics (ASIAA, Taiwan), has spatially resolved a magnet…
Astronomers used the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) to observe a set of stellar winds around aging stars and present an explanation for th…
An international team of astronomers using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) found a peculiar dust ring system around the young triple st…
Based on ALMA multi-band observations of dust polarization, the magnetic field structure in a protoplanetary disk has b…
An international team led by researchers from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan succesfully detected the e…
On December 11, a lecture organized by the Center for Space and Habitability at the University of Bern was held as part…