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Miniature AOS Newly Exhibited

Tags: ALMA Topics

A miniature model of the ALMA Array Operations Site (AOS) has been newly added to the exhibition at the NAOJ Mitaka Campus. The ALMA site in Chile is very far…


The Frigid Flying Saucer

Tags: ALMA Discoveries

Astronomers have used the ALMA and IRAM telescopes to make the first direct measurement of the temperature of the large dust grains in the outer parts of a pl…


Mitaka Open House Day 2015

Tags: ALMA Topics

On October 23 and 24, Mitaka Open House Day was held at the NAOJ Mitaka Campus. The NAOJ Chile Observatory gave presentations of ALMA, including mini-lectures…


NAOJ-ALMA All Hands Meeting

Tags: ALMA Topics

On October 16, NAOJ-ALMA All hands Meeting was held with the participation of all staff engaged in NAOJ ALMA Project. The attendees include the staff of the N…


Protostar Growth Spurts

Tags: ALMA Discoveries

Astronomers using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) have discovered an adolescent protostar that is undergoing a rapid-fire succession of…