First Test Polarization Observation with ACA Antennas and ACA Correlator
On April 29 (Chilean time), we conducted a test polarization observation using five Japanese 7-m ACA (Atacama Compact Array) antennas and a Japanese ACA correl…
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On April 29 (Chilean time), we conducted a test polarization observation using five Japanese 7-m ACA (Atacama Compact Array) antennas and a Japanese ACA correl…
On the night of April 28 (Chilean time), interference fringes were successfully detected in an interferometer test using two Japanese antennas at a distance of…
On March 18, 2012, an interferometer test was conducted at the Array Operations Site (AOS) at 5000 m asl using two Japanese 7-m antennas equipped with the Band…
One Band 4 and one Band 8 receivers were packed at the NAOJ Advanced Technology Center in Mitaka on November 8, and sent by air from Narita to Washington on No…
The most powerful millimeter/submillimeter-wavelength telescope in the world opens for business and reveals its first image Humanity’s most complex grou…
On September 2, an interferometer test was conducted with the first Japanese 7-m and first 12-m antennas at the Array Operations Site (AOS) at 5000 m asl and i…
On August 11, an interferometer test using two Japanese 7-m antennas was conducted at the Operations Support Facility (OSF) at 2900 m asl and interference frin…
On August 6, an interferometer test was conducted at the Array Operations Site (AOS) at 5000 m asl and fringes of 120 baselines were successfully obtained with…
On June 29, the Manufacturing Readiness Review (MRR) for Band 8 (one of the three receiver cartridges to be developed and manufactured by Japan) was held at t…
On May 30, radio waves emitted by a variable star VX Sagittarii were collected by a Japanese 7-m antenna and a 12-m antenna, and interference fringes were suc…
On March 10, 2011, at the Operations Support Facility (OSF) at 2900 m asl., radio waves emitted by the Sun were collected by two 12-m Japanese antennas and in…
The National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) and the National Astronomy Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) have successfully developed a…
Two different types of the receivers Japan developed for ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array) successfully received the first spectrum from the …
The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) has passed a key milestone crucial to producing the high-quality images that will be the trademark of t…
Japanese ALMA antenna became the first to arrive at the ALMA 5000 m site. Japanese ALMA antenna became the first to arrive at the ALMA 5000 m site. The ALMA (…
The research team led by Yoshinori Uzawa (ALMA Band 10 Team Leader at the National Astronomical Observatory, Advanced Technology Center) successfully develope…
An ACA (Atacama Compact Array) 12-m antenna was handed over as the first antenna to the Joint ALMA Observatory, which operates ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter/s…
Mar 18, 2008 A gigantic radio telescope ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array) is under construction in Chile through collaboration among Japan, …
ALMA antennas are assembled at the OSF (Operations Support Facility) at 2900 meters, and completed antennas are transported by a dedicated transporter to the A…
On September 14, the National Institutes of Natural Sciences (on behalf of Japan), the National Science Foundation (on behalf of North America), and the Europ…
Based on ALMA multi-band observations of dust polarization, the magnetic field structure in a protoplanetary disk has b…
An international team led by researchers from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan succesfully detected the e…
On December 11, a lecture organized by the Center for Space and Habitability at the University of Bern was held as part…