Mitaka Open Campus: A Day of Stars and the Universe
The open campus event titled “A Day of Stars and the Universe” was held at Mitaka Campus of the National Astronomy Observatory of Japan on Oct. 22 …
601 - 620 / 909
The open campus event titled “A Day of Stars and the Universe” was held at Mitaka Campus of the National Astronomy Observatory of Japan on Oct. 22 …
The Science Operations Readiness Review was held in Santiago, Chile on Oct. 11 and 12. The purpose of this Review is to evaluate the Joint ALMA ObservatoryR…
An additional 12-m antenna was moved from OSF (2,900 asl.) to AOS (5,000 asl.) on September 26, bringing the total number of the antennas at AOS to eight.(Pict…
After their arrival at the port in Chile on Sep. 10, the four 7-meter diameter antennas were firmly fixed to the transporters on the following day and started …
Four 7-meter diameter antennas fabricated in Japan arrived at the port of Mejillones in Chile. These antennas will be loaded onto the transporters and brought …
ALMA Video “ALMA Video -8 Construction of ALMA 2009” was released. View This Video [Contents] ■ 12m Diameter Antenna Arrival at the Array Operati…
A group of researchers of the ALMA-J Project Office discovered the fact that a group of young stars (star cluster) is formed by a collision of gas molecules. T…
NRO (Nobeyama Radio Observatory) held its 2010 Open Campus on August 21. The weather was beautiful, and as many as 3,278 visitors came to enjoy the event. In t…
At AOS, the antennas were moved by the transporters that were specially customized for ALMA.The picture shows the Japanese antennas on the two transporters.(Pi…
An additional 12-m antenna was moved from OSF (2,900 asl.) to AOS (5,000 asl.) on August 7, bringing the total number of the antennas at AOS to seven.(Picture …
An additional 12-m antenna was moved from OSF (2,900 asl.) to AOS (5,000 asl.) on July 26, bringing the total number of the antennas at AOS to six.(Picture pro…
Two different types of the receivers Japan developed for ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array) successfully received the first spectrum from the …
The Summer Astronomy School for Children was held at the Mitaka Campus of NAOJ on July 22 and 23. Kengo Tachihara, a researcher of the ALMA-J Project Office ga…
The workshop to commemorate the retirement of Professor Yoshihiro Chikada was held at the Mitaka Campus of NAOJ. Professor Chikada, known as an inventor of the…
Before the moon appeared in the sky, I took a walk to a nearby valley for a little exercise after dinner. The Milky Way looked like a starry bridge over the va…
Since Chile (the construction site of ALMA) participates in the 2010 FIFA World Cup, the ALMA staff members in Santiago are glued to the TV screen when a match…
We started the Commissioning Science Verification with a total of five 12-meter diameter antennas including one newly arrived at AOS on May 31. It is really ov…
From May 28 through 30, the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity (JSTP) forum was held at the University of Electro-Communications. At the forum, Satoru …
At the Array Operations Site (AOS), there are currently four 12-meter antennas, which are under the performance evaluation. Since each of the antennas is usual…
From May 23 through 28, the Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2010 was held in the international exhibition hall at Makuhari Messe, and NAOJ set up a booth featu…
This article is based on the press release issued by the Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Univers…
Based on ALMA multi-band observations of dust polarization, the magnetic field structure in a protoplanetary disk has b…
An international team led by researchers from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan succesfully detected the e…