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Office building and Southern Cross

Tags: ALMA Topics

There has been no rain since the end of November last year in Santiago. As the season when the city is covered with a smoggy haze is yet to come, we can see st…


3rd ALMA Science Workshop

Tags: ALMA Discoveries

ALMA Science Working Group held its 3rd workshop in Mitaka from March 2 to 3. The purpose of this workshop is to discuss a wide variety of research themes rela…


SKA Workshop

Tags: ALMA Topics

Japan Radio Astronomy Forum and Nobeyama Radio Observatory held a two-day joint symposium for SKA project on February 1 and 2. SKA is a project targeting frequ…


ASAC in Maryland

Tags: ALMA Discoveries

ALMA Science Advisory Committee was held in Maryland, U.S., on January 28 and 29. Eight participants from Japan attended the committee with U.S. and European m…


Soil testing at ACA site

Tags: ALMA Discoveries

Basic soil testing was conducted at the proposed ACA site, and the ground was found as firm as other sites. The picture shows a local staff measuring the depth…


NTT Group Communication Expo

Tags: ALMA Topics

NTT Group Communication EXPO was held at Tokyo International Forum from December 20 to 22. As part of their exhibition, there were demonstrations of remote-con…


NAOJ Cosmic Radio Committee

Tags: ALMA Topics

NAOJ Cosmic Radio Committee meeting was held with extensive range of users as observers to discuss the role of Nobeyama Radio Observatory in the ALMA era, spec…


ALMA-J all-hands meeting

Tags: ALMA Discoveries

ALMA-J all-hands meeting (combined with a year-end party) was held with project members (currently 72 including graduate students, and most of them belong to A…