ALMA Discoveries

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Antenna Surface Adjustment

Tags: ALMA Discoveries

Surface adjustment of a 12-m antenna is conducted using a manlift. The smoothness of the surface is measured by radio holography to achieve a surface accuracy …


Installation of the Receiver

Tags: ALMA Discoveries

From February 7 through 15, the first receiver was installed into the ACA antenna. To safely install the receiver weighing about 1 ton, we had to make a delibe…


ALMA External Review

Tags: ALMA Discoveries

From September 10 through 12, a three-day joint external review of the ALMA project was held in Santiago, Chile. From Japan, 7 people attended the meeting: Nob…


CASA Users Test

Tags: ALMA Discoveries

From July 9 through 11, an internal user test of CASA (Common Astronomical Software Applications) was conducted in the headquarters of European Southern Observ…