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The Scorpius, King of Winter?

Tags: ALMA Topics

In Chile the winter solstice day is about to come. Although we are in winter, we can see stars known as the constellations in summerEin Japan. The picture show…


ALMA Board in Santiago

Tags: ALMA Discoveries

From June 13 through 14, ALMA Board was held in Santiago. Shoken Miyama, Director General of NAOJ, attended the meeting as a board member representing Japan, w…


The life of Masao Uehara

Tags: ALMA Topics

The Chilean national TV network, TVN (Televisi�n Nacional de Chile), came to the ALMA site to make a documentary about Masao Uehara, second-generation Chilean …


Wisdom + Benefit = Chile

Tags: ALMA Topics

On June 3, an article about Taiwans participation in ALMA was run in Taiwanese newspaper, Liberty Times. We received the article from Nagayoshi Ohashi of Acade…


Green clouds

Tags: ALMA Topics

Around 9:00 a.m. on May 31, green clouds appeared in the east sky of Santiago. The picture shows the clouds over Cordillera de los Andes, viewed from Joint ALM…


Otaka-san's visit to Mitaka

Tags: ALMA Topics

Otaka-san is a woman introduced in letters column of the Asahi Shimbun of May 12. She has worked as a lathe operator for 30 years, and her friend wrote a lette…


8th ALMA-J Public Lecture

Tags: ALMA Topics

The 8th ALMA Public Lecture titled We were born from stardust EALMA, a gigantic radiotelescope to explore the mysteries of the universeEwas held at Fukuoka Sci…


Planetary science session

Tags: ALMA Discoveries

In planetary science session on the third day of Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2006, Tomohiko Sekiguchi, postdoctoral fellow, gave a presentation on ALMA incl…


2nd Atacama Conference

Tags: ALMA Discoveries

In Chile, the 2nd Atacama Conference is being held on April 27 and 28 at the Operations Support Facility (OSF). Attendees of the meeting are the representative…